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What is the fastest Home Loan Approval in the Philippines?
In the dynamic world of real estate, time is of the essence. As a borrower, securing a home loan quickly and efficiently can give you...
How to apply for a Home Equity Loan in the Philippines?
1. What is a home equity loan? A home equity loan, or in other words a home loan, is a loan based on the value of your fully paid off...
What is a Quick Cash Loan?
A Quick Cash Loan (QCL) normally consists of a collateral item to secure your loan. This is used in the case the borrower is not able to...
What is an OR/CR Loan?
An OR/CR Loan is basically a car collateral loan based on the residual value of your fully paid off car or in other words a “Car Loan”...
Car, Truck, or Taxi OR/CR Cash Loans in the Philippines (Sangla OR/CR)
An OR/CR loan (Sangla OR/CR) is a type of bridge financing loan for people who own their cars without any bank loans and are in need of...
Deep Freeze - Iceland’s Economic Collapse
This book is part of a series of books published by economists affiliated with the Mises Institute, a libertarian think tank that focuses...
What is Sea Limited?
Also known as the Amazon of Asia, Sea Limited stock had an amazing year, with its share price quintupling since April of 2020. Sometimes...
The Endowment Effect (Brief Summary)
The endowment effect is the theory that people often demand much more to give up an object than they would be willing to pay to acquire...
How to Buy Stocks in the Philippines
The Philippines is home to the Philippine Stock Exchange which has over 329 publicly listed companies. The Philippines, being one of the...
How to Make Money from Passive Income
What is Passive Income? Passive income is money that is made without being directly dependent on the amount of time or effort placed into...
The Dangers of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Investing
As Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are again skyrocketing on financial markets, investors in Developed and Emerging Markets, like the...
How to Create a Vision Board for your Financial Goals
What is a Vision board? It turns out writing your goals down in a visual format can actually help you achieve them. According to research...
How to Grow your Online Business in the Philippines Fast
Do you have an online business that you are passionate about and want to make it grow fast? Here are a few steps to helping your online...
One Up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch (Book Review) - Part 2
This the second part of our Book Review of One Up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch. This book is probably the most known work of investor...
One Up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch (Book Review) - Part 1
This book is probably the most known work of investor and former portfolio manager of Fidelity Investment Management, Peter Lynch....
Updated Philippine Corporate Income Tax (CREATE)
A drastic cut in Philippine corporate income tax rate, from 30% down to 25% for all corporations and as low as 20% for smaller businesses...
The Money Culture by Michael Lewis (Book Review)
Michael Lewis has a long history rich in financial literary renown. If his name sounds familiar then the odds are that you recognize one...
Common Behavioral Biases in Making Investment Decisions for Beginners - (Part 2)
This time, we talk about a different set of biases, which again can affect beginner and expert investors alike.
Common Behavioral Biases in Making Investment Decisions for Beginners - (Part 1)
Learning to recognize biases might help in other aspects of life that require some sort of decision-making activity.
How to Buy Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrency in the Philippines?
The Philippines was one of the first countries in the world whose population embraced cryptocurrency, specifically Bitcoin, as an...
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